Updating Results

Mineral Resources

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Office & Workplace at Mineral Resources

8.3 rating for Workplace, based on 13 reviews
Please comment on your company's office space, location and facilities. And while we're at it, please tell us a little about the dress code.
There is a new office coming, it's going to be incredible. Dress code is relaxed but professional.
Graduate, Perth
As I work on-site, our office is located in a remote region in central Pilbara. We have a very good campsite with all the facilities and when it comes to food - it is top-notch.
Graduate, perth
The new MRL HQ looks fantastic. The dress code is business casual.
Graduate, Perth
The office building is open plan, with ample meeting rooms, quiet spaces, tea prep rooms, a cafe and restaurant, as well as a gym and parking. The company has a policy regarding dress code which states that we need to dress in appropriate clothing. I have noticed that there is a large range in what people wear around the office, with some departments and roles wearing suits, and other departments wearing t-shirts and work pants
Graduate, Perth
We have a world-class office in Osborn Park, Mon to Thu formal wear, Friday is casual wear.
Graduate, Perth
Good uniform and new building coming soon.
Graduate, Perth
The company has recently developed world class offices in Osborne Park. Employees are expected to dress formally, i.e., in dress shirt and pants, with the exception of casual Friday.
Graduate, Perth
At this time, we are still in old offices which are split across multiple buildings. Location (other than the fact the offices are spread out) is good, the facilities are also good. The dress code is business corporate but there are lots of variations of this within the office.
Graduate, Perth
The company is transitioning to a bigger building but in the mean time the current offices are not big enough for all the new personnel. Luckily, this will change soon. Professional dress code with casual Fridays.
Graduate, Perth, WA
My company have just built two 5-star offices which offer a new working lifestyle as well as environmentally friendly.
Graduate, Perth
The company is moving to a brand new office, which will be more spacious and modern.
Graduate, Perth