Updating Results

Mineral Resources

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Working Hours at Mineral Resources

8.8 rating for Working Hours, based on 13 reviews
How flexible is your company when it comes to hours?
8-5 are the generic hours, its appreciated if you stay close to that.
Graduate, Perth
The hours are quite flexible
Graduate, Perth
We are required to work for 8 hours per day, with a 30 minute to 1 hour lunch break. The hours at which you start and finish are somewhat flexible, with proposed office hours being 8:30-5:30pm. The company is relatively flexible.
Graduate, Perth
The work hours are very flexible, you can get here a bit late and leave a bit early as long as you finish the work. But if you can't finish the work on hands you can still leave on time. And we have a lunch break which is also very flexible.
Graduate, Perth
Being onsite work hours are very strict.
Graduate, Perth
The company finds a way to accommodate hours to suit each individual's work/life balance.
Graduate, Perth
I have an excellent direct manager who is very chill when it comes to work hours. When I started, the comment was: 'if we can work AM to PM, then we do, but if you need to leave early/switch around sometimes then that's fine'. My manager respects me as an employee and knows that I understand how to manage my time and workload. However, the company only scores a 9 because they are not on board with flexible work in terms of working from home arrangements. I do not recommend this company if you have children or other onerous commitments.
Graduate, Perth
I arrived between 7:30 and 8 and I try to leave between 4 or 4:30. Sometimes I stay until 5 but that's my own decision (to me it's important to meet deadlines, that's why I stay longer). As long as you work your 8 hours and complete your tasks everyone is happy.
Graduate, Perth, WA
Very flexible. When you need to take some time off, they are always accommodating and understand that some personal priorities come first.
Graduate, Perth
My role is site based therefore we work 12hr days on an 8/6 roster.
Graduate, Perth
12 hours per day (FIFO).
Graduate, Perth