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Minjar Gold

  • 500 - 1,000 employees

Minjar Gold Graduate Programs & Internships

  • Mining, Oil & Gas

What it does: Mining

Size and presence: Around 600

Best known for: Minjar Gold is focused on gold exploration and production in both Western Australia and Queensland

The good bits: Accommodation, pay, employees, location & job security

The not so good bits: Company culture could be a little difficult to adapt

The Minjar Gold Story

Minjar Gold Pty Ltd is an Australian Gold producer, developer and explorer who has been operating since 2013. The company owns 100% of the Golden Dragon Operations in the Mid-West of Western Australia.

In 2009/2010 Shandong Tyan Home Co acquired Minjar Gold which owned the Golden Dragon project.

Minjar Gold has continued its growth strategy and in September 2016 when the company acquired the Pajingo Gold Operation, approximately 50 km south of Charters Towers and 134kms southwest of Townsville, Queensland.

In April 2017, the former controlling shareholder of Minjar Gold’s parent company acquired Southern Cross Operation which is owned by Barto Gold Mining operations but is managed by Minjar Gold on behalf of Barto.

Culture & vibe

At Minjar Gold we have a set of values and supporting behaviours that guide how we work together every day. These values support us in our achieving our vision.

We will work together and support our brothers and sisters to achieve success for the Minjar family. We do what we say we are going to do in an honest, fair and ethical way. 

We will not rest on our accomplishments, but will rather build on them to be the best we can be and set new standards in our industry. We will all lead by example – motivating, supporting and inspiring those around us. Safety and well-being is at the forefront of everything we do.

Career prospects

We recognise that our employees are our most valuable asset and that the success and growth of our business is directly tied to the achievements, development and well-being of our people.

We endeavour to encourage employee achievement through our strong family culture and the principals of accountability, engagement and support.

At Minjar Gold you will work with a capable and an experienced team of people that support your growth and development and encourage the workplace to learn, contribute and look for continued improvement. We want our people to share our vision and values and be part of our continued growth.

We are an equal opportunity employer, recruiting, training and promoting individuals based on their skills and competence. Our recruitment practices provide for fairness and consistency.

Minjar Gold endeavours to achieve this through:

  • Regularly communication and engagement with and sponsorship of our host communities, ensuring that we understand their views, interests and aspirations and take these into account when making decisions.
  • Work collectively and are transparent with all stakeholders.
  • Maintain an effective process to respond to stakeholder’s grievances.
  • Engagement with and sponsorship of local primary and secondary schools including work experience placements.

Social Contributions

Minjar Gold is committed to responsible action through its environmental and operational management in protecting our natural environment. The health and safety of our team and social responsibility in engaging with and caring for our communities is at the forefront of everything we do.

Minjar Gold is committed to protecting the natural environment in which we operate in minimising negative impacts from the project.

Environmental management is integrated into all aspects of the operation. Activities are conducted in accordance with applicable legislation, approval conditions and commitments and an Environmental Management System is in place to ensure compliance.

The system is aligned to ISO 14001 for continual improvement. Ongoing education, training and workplace inspections all include environmental elements. Site inductions for all staff and contractors include appropriate environmental standards which must be upheld.

The Minjar Gold workforce is professional, engaged and committed to these standards and practices.

Minjar’s Directors and its Management are dedicated to ensuring the health and safety of the people working with the company. This includes our contractors, business partners, consultants and other stakeholders which our operation impacts.

Our management system is developed in accordance with AS 4801 and plays an important part in the identification of hazards, collecting information, development of controls and communication of these to all personnel.

Minjar values consultation in Health and Safety matters through the safety representatives that have been selected by their teams and form an integral part of the program and instrumental in its success. Safety programs include training for all employees, special training for exploration and emergency response teams, recognition programs for safety achievement and many initiatives that keeps our workforce focused on continuous safety improvement.

Inevitably it is all the people working at Minjar that are making the difference in safety.

Minjar Gold is committed to building strong, respectful relationships with all stakeholders, Native Title landowners and communities around Minjar’s projects to ensure economic success and a good long relationship that will benefit all parties.

Minjar Gold accepts it is a social responsibility to work with all stakeholders in the community that may be impacted by its operations and continues to invest in local communities through sponsorship, in kind donations and participation by our employees.

Jobs & Opportunities

Locations With Jobs & Opportunities
  • Perth, WA
Hiring candidates with qualifications in
Business & Management
Creative Arts
Engineering & Mathematics
IT & Computer Science
Law, Legal Studies & Justice
Medical & Health Sciences
Property & Built Environment
Teaching & Education