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Energy Queensland

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

The coolest fringe benefit for grads at Energex is ...

Energy Queensland

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Justin [00:00:00] What would you say is like the coolest fringe benefit of working at Energex? 

Tyler [00:00:04] Okay. I'd probably have to say the rostered day off every fortnight is, is awesome. Every fortnight you are allowed to take a rostered day off so you can sort of move that to whatever day in that fortnight you want. So I know some people like to do it on a Friday. I personally do it on a Monday and I know some people do it on a Wednesday so they can break up the work week. So yeah, I'll tell you, that's really good for the work-life balance and having that extra day because I think allows you to sort of connect with your friends and family and do stuff outside of work which I think is important.  

Justin [00:00:33] So you can basically get like a long weekend every second week if you want.

Tyler [00:00:36] Yeah, yeah, exactly right. And I think you do also have the opportunity to work longer hours and take rostered days off. So instead of working like, say, if it was 9 hours a day, you work 10 hours a day and then you can have two long week. You can have a long weekend every weekend. Yeah, that's pretty awesome. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So so Energex is very flexible and I think that's a major positive to working for them